Vale Cameron Grant (cg at, 8 July 1976 - 20 March 2005

David Gerard fun at
Thu Mar 24 19:38:18 GMT 2005

Further on the below: Cameron's funeral is Friday 8th April, 2pm,
at Garston Crematorium in Hertfordshire. Kris would like as many
people who knew Cameron along as possible. If you think you can
make it, email arkady at to RSVP, for directions, etc.

The chapel fits 35-40, but if you want to come there will almost
certainly be room for you. Just RSVP :-)

The cause of death turned out to be pulmonary thrombosis - the
sort of thing that could happen to anyone, but Cam was at higher
risk because of his illnesses.

In good news, Kris is OK to stay in the UK :-) But speaking for
myself, I suspect she could do with some of your overpaid geek
bucks to help in the short term, with living expenses and the

See for full details.

And I didn't say on the message below, but please do
forward this to anywhere in the FreeBSD community you think
people should know!

- d.

David Gerard wrote:

> For those who haven't heard, FreeBSD committer Cameron Grant
> died suddenly on Sunday morning.
> Cameron was well known for his keen mind and personality, but
> his body didn't work so well. The cause of death has yet to
> be established, but he spent many years suffering from
> neurological diseases that left him living on machines.
> There's a page up at which gives
> more details and notes of suitable charities to donate to
> rather than send flowers, etc.
> Note that the first listed charity is his widow, Kris [though
> she's on that list only at the insistence of others] - she
> was working as Cameron's carer, and now that's stopped she has
> no income for the moment, maybe no house and maybe no way to
> stay in the UK. So a bit of assistance from these lists full of
> overpaid geeks would probably be quite helpful right now!
> I only knew Cam in passing via others, but thought someone
> should tell the FreeBSD community.
> (cc'd to Kris)
> - d.

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