4.9 or 5.2.1

Alex Dyas adyas at twowaytv.co.uk
Thu May 13 15:56:17 BST 2004

Tests for the web sites can be scripted to run from remote machines 
using tools like lynx (mentioned previously), curl or Nagios.  The other 
advantage to testing from a remote machine is that you test more of the 
network.  The web server can be running on your machine, but if you 
don't test the network used to gain access to it from the outside world 
you may be missing some major problems.

> but what i wanted X for was so i could get a VNCserver start up each 
> time and then i could just connect via that to do commands and browse 
> the sites... and i could just close it and come back to it and it would 
> have all my things still there... but i dunno about that now.

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