ls mystery

Frank Shute frank at
Wed Feb 18 16:35:04 GMT 2004

On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 11:00:39AM +0000, Michael Abbott wrote:
> > Although unfortunately this is one case where Linux looks less broken
> > than FreeBSD.  A plain 'ls x' will work, since that just needs to read
> > the directory, but anything that needs to stat() the files within it
> > (including ls -l, ls -F, ls -G) will fail (correctly, because of the
> > permissions) but without any error message. :-(
> Aha!  All is explained.
> 	$ ls x
> 	$ (unset CLICOLOR; ls x)
> 	y
> 	$
> This also explains the behaviour seen by Frank Shute, where bypassing the
> alias turned off colour (for him) and enabled the output.  For me I have
> to unsed an environment variable.
> This seems mildly broken in fBSD, but of *very* long standing I suspect!

That was the behaviour I was seeing but more worrying was this

$ export CLICOLOR=true
$ ls x
$ /bin/ls x

ie. the result of running ls was dependent on whether you called it
with it's full path!

Pete French couldn't replicate that behaviour, I don't know if you or
Ben can. I don't want to be alone in this because it worries me...



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	 Source code analysis of the leak:

$ grep -ir " don't care " /win2k/* | wc -l

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