Setting up 5.2 on a laptop

Andrew andrew at
Wed Feb 4 20:00:00 GMT 2004


Finally got hold of a decent laptop (Sony Vaio PCG-GRT795MP) and I
wanted to try out the 5-series for the first time. Install went fine,
but getting X to work has proved difficult, especially as decent
technical info on this model is nigh non-existant and the Sony 'support'
staff can't be arsed to 'support' anything not Windows. 

Even Windows isn't much help - I've tried using the likes of Sandra as
well, but no info on h- and v-sync comes up. The screen is a 15-inch XGA
display that currently does 1024x768 at 60Hz. The Sony guy said that
TFTs don't have sync rates cause "the pixels are either on or off", but
I've got a little Thinkpad 560x with OpenBSD on it and THAT has sync
rates in the XF86Config... So I'd appreciate some advice!

Bit inexperienced with laptops generally, so any help would be great.



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