Shell access via web browser?

Sam Smith S at
Fri Apr 9 23:13:56 BST 2004

On Fri, 9 Apr 2004, Paul Truran wrote:
> Have just started a new job, and due to foolishly restrictive network access, 
> I am unable to connect to my BSD box during lunchtimes to have a play about 
> with things.  No direct internet connection, only web access through a proxy 
> server on port 80.  I'm sure there must be a way to get shell access through 
> a web browser, but have been unable to to manage it as yet.  I have tried 
> shellinabox, but haven't really had much luck with getting it working.  
> Anyone have any ideas on how to get through?  Just shell acccess would do me, 
> but if anyone can tell me how to get VNC working through the web proxy, that 
> would be very useful as well!

Can you get out on port 443 (https)?
Run an sshd there?


  Goals: It's best to avoid standing directly between a competitive 
     jerk and his goals.

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