Interesting games with spam-assassin.

Bruce M Simpson bms at
Sun Sep 7 18:55:48 BST 2003

On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 12:20:17PM +0100, Ceri Davies wrote:
> How stable is amavisd?  I run the spamd daemon that's part of SpamAssassin
> to avoid the startup costs, but very occassionally, it silently dies.
> If you're not seeing any such problems with amavisd, then that's something
> I'd want to try out.

I have amavisd-new integrated in the delivery chain for a Postfix based
deployment which is serving approx. 30 small virtual domains (2-8 users
each). I haven't had it fall down yet. It is running on a 'kitchen sink'
4.8-RELEASE box (Apache, Mailman, MySQL, ProFTPD, RelServer Helix).

I've had to beef up kern.maxfiles, but that's it.


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