uk online payments

Dimitris sehh at
Fri Feb 28 20:57:02 GMT 2003

this is a bit offtopic, but i'd appriciate any help.

i've been meaning to build a small site to sell some
personal software that i've been developing.

their cost is very very small, around 10 ukpounds each.

the problem is that all online payment systems that
i've seen are very expensive for the sort of thing
that i need, their monthly cost is too high for me,
and they also charge percentage on the cost of transactions.

also, they require a Merchant Bank Account, which
is a special account provided by most major banks,
and the problem is those bank accounts are charged
per transactions as well.

so at the end of the day, i have to pay:

1) monthly fee to online payment service
2) per transaction fee to online payment service
3) setup fee for Merchant Bank Account
4) per transaction fee to the Bank for using the account.

In other words, this is too expensive.

Does anyone have any suggestions for alternative
methods of online payments?

I'd like to avoid PayPal as much as possible
for many reasons: i dont like their business
practices, and i dont want to force clients
to create PayPal accounts.

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