How do I upgrade from KDE 1.1.1 to 1.1.2?

Roger Hardiman roger at
Sun Jan 16 23:08:45 GMT 2000

Hi Dave,

> Do I still have to download the skeletons for all the other kde* ports and
> install them by hand? I had thought that the point of this port was to do
> all that for you, or am I sadly mistaken?

You need to pull in all other KDE port makefiles.

The puspose of the meta-port is simply to call the
make files of all the component parts of

KDE11 makefile calls the makefiles of the following KDE
compontnet parts

So, it is time to update more parts of your ports tree.

Roger Hardiman
Strathclyde Uni Telepresence Research Group, Glasgow, Scotland.      0141 548 2897
roger at

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