Working with the UKUUG and LUUG

Adrian Wontroba aw1 at
Fri Feb 25 06:32:28 GMT 2000

On Thu, Feb 24, 2000 at 01:50:41PM +0000, Tony Finch wrote:
> They are. The talks from various Personalities that they organised
> last year were both free and very popular, but the usual meeting is
> about 10 people in the Rising Sunon Tottenham Court Road followed by a
> meal nearby.

Its depressing how small a fraction of the people interested in a
subject will routinely attend out of office hours meetings about it.  10
people for a catchment area population of many thousands of UN*X users.

Most mainly volunteer organisations seem to suffer from this problem.
Look at the turnout for most BCS meetings.

Adrian Wontroba

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