IDE CD writers

Jonathan Perkin sketchy at
Fri Dec 1 16:45:22 GMT 2000

On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 04:38:39pm +0000, Jon Schneider wrote:

> But where is the list of supported devices, or hopepage for that matter ?
> (for burncd)

It should support all devices running under ata(4).  There's no
homepage for it (it was just a small utility written by Søren Schmidt,
the FreeBSD IDE guy), only the burncd(8) manpage.

You'll find this common with utilities written by the FreeBSD
developers and imported into the base system :)

  Jonathan Perkin  <sketchy at>  +44 (0)1225 867914
 Netcraft Ltd, Bradford on Avon, UK -

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