Please fix your Autoresponse

David Stocks dgs
Sat Dec 4 01:29:37 GMT 1999

I must confess that I'm a little curious why Ms McCall should post
something to this mailing list that is, in my opinion, quite clearly
addressed to Mr Robson.  If she feels bitter that something sent privately
is being repeated to the list, why is she sending all of us her letter to
Mr Robson?

However, I can see why she would be so upset by his rebuttle which was sent
publicly (though if you look closely you might notice that it was, in fact,
an apology to the entire group), her childish remarks about him to his
postmaster is clearly entirely a much more sensible course of action.

Although I personally found no trouble in simple deleting this handful of
clearly marked messages, I can appreciate that some people have trouble
mastering their chosen mail reader, I am surprised to find somebody on this
list that has such problems.

David Stocks
CS + AI undergraduate, Edinburgh University.
"When I said 'we', officer, I was referring to myself, the four young
ladies, and, of course, the goat."

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